The Toward One Wisconsin Network is intended to be a convenor, network builder, and information resource for DEI work. The network will provide pathways to meaningful connections, encourage people and organizations to move from talk to action, and build a pipeline for DEI leaders and activities in Wisconsin.
By signing up for the network you will receive a weekly newsletter featuring DEI news, as well as updates from other T1W Network members about what they are doing to move the needle on DEI issues in their communities and organizations. You have the option to sign up as a public/active or private/passive member of the network.
We want to share what you or your organization is doing to address DEI issues.
All T1W Network members can submit updates, articles, and stories on the work that they are doing. These articles will then be shared on the T1W Network website and newsletter. If you need help writing or formatting an article, please reach out to us – we may be able to help.
To share an update, email us at [email protected] or click the button below.
As a private/passive member, your contact information will not be shared publicly, and you will only receive the weekly T1W Newsletter.
As a public/active member your contact information will be shared on the T1W Network page, including your geographic location so that other members in your community can connect with you. As a public/active member you can give as much or as little information as you like. We only ask that you provide your name, email, and the city/community where you live or work.