Sponsor and Partnership Opportunities
The Toward One Wisconsin Conference offers multiple ways to maximize your brand awareness to organizations and individuals across sectors and in every region of Wisconsin. We invite you to explore a sponsorship package to showcase your organization to our 500+ attendees and their social media networks.
Transformation Sponsor- $15,000 and up
- Two-minute speaking opportunity during one of the plenary sessions
- Unique and prominent branding at all plenary sessions
- Organization branding under the Change Sponsor category on key promotional materials including the conference program and website (with hyperlink)
- Ten (10) conference registrations
- A virtual exhibit booth on the conference platform at Whova.com
- Organization video to be shared on website and WIPPS social media platforms
- High frequency appearance of company logo on event home page, agenda web page, Whova conference app, and profile web pages
- Two (2) 3 x 5 foot exhibit tables
- One full page color ad in conference program in a prime location
Diversity Sponsor – $10,000
- Unique and prominent branding at all plenary sessions
- Verbal acknowledgement of sponsorship at select plenary sessions
- Organization branding under the Equity Sponsor category on key promotional materials including the conference website with hyperlink
- Organization logo on post-conference report
- Seven (7) conference registrations
- A virtual exhibit booth on the conference platform at com
- Organization video to be shared on WIPPS social media channels
- High frequency appearance of organization logo on event home page, agenda web page, and profile web pages
- One 3 x 5 foot exhibit table
- One half page color or one full page black and white ad in conference program
Equity Sponsor – $5,000
- Organization branding under the Diversity Sponsor category on key promotional materials including the conference program and website (with hyperlink)
- Organization logo on a shared slide at all plenary sessions
- Four (4) conference registrations
- A virtual exhibit booth on the conference platform at Whova.com
- Appearance of company logo on event home page, agenda web page, and profile web pages
- One 3 x 5 foot exhibit table
- One half page black and white ad in conference program
Inclusion Sponsor – $2,500
- Organization branding under the Inclusion Sponsor category on key promotional materials including the conference program and website (with hyperlink)
- Two (2) conference registrations
- A virtual exhibit booth on the conference platform at Whova.com
- Appearance of company logo on event home page, agenda web page, and profile web pages
- One 3 x 5 foot exhibit table
- One quarter page black and white ad in conference program
Unity Sponsor – $1,000
- Organization branding under the Unity Sponsor category on key promotional materials including the conference program and website (with hyperlink)
- One (1) conference registration
- A virtual exhibit booth on the conference platform at Whova.com
- Appearance of company logo on event home page, agenda web page and profile web pages
- One 3 x 5 foot exhibit table
- One quarter page black and white ad in conference program
Unique Sponsorships
Additional customize sponsorship opportunities are available. For example, sponsors may request that all or a portion of sponsorships be used for scholarships; for cultural and performing artists; for youth engagement; or for specific parts of the conference such as meals or receptions. Please contact the Sponsorship coordinator for more information.
Contact Information
For more information, contact Julie Bunczak, Program Manager, Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service, University of Wisconsin System, at [email protected].
Become a Partner
A lot of behind-the-scenes work and planning goes into The Toward One Wisconsin Conference. Partners play an important role by participating in co-organizing or co-convening the conference and/or provide significant quantifiable investment of time, resources or in-kind support of at least $1,000. This includes monthly eblasts beginning immediately to your organization’s email distribution list, regular promotion via your social media channels, an article or advertisement promoting the conference in your organizational news bulletin or letter (or equivalent) to your full mailing list. Participation in one of the track conference committees is highly encouraged. Partners receive the following benefits:
- Organization branding under the Partner category on all electronic and print promotional materials including the conference program and website (with hyperlink)
- One quarter page black and white ad in the conference program
- One conference registration
- A 3′ x 5′ booth at the conference
- A virtual exhibit booth on the conference platform at Whova.com
- Appearances of organization logo on event home page, agenda web page, and profile web pages
For a partnership information .pdf file click here.
Conference Partnership Contact
Sharon Hunter, Program Manager, [email protected]
Julie Bunczak, Program Manager, [email protected]
Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service
625 Stewart Avenue
Wausau, WI 54401
[NOTE: WIPPS is a unit of the Universities of Wisconsin]