Submit your presentation proposal by April 15
In November, the second Toward One Wisconsin Conference (T1W) brought together 800 attendees in an entirely virtual format to address the issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. This year we are thrilled to continue this important work in person.
Toward One Wisconsin Conference
Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges
October 12-13, 2021
The Lismore Hotel
Eau Claire, WI
Be a part of the state’s premier inclusivity conference, which focuses on individual, organizational, and policy level changes to advance social, economic and health equity across Wisconsin. Together we have the power to make change, hold one another accountable and to push for a better tomorrow — but we need your help! Share your expertise with a diverse audience that is committed to making Wisconsin more equitable for all.
The T1W Conference is seeking proposals that feature collaborative and innovative approaches, best practices, cutting edge research, and/or success stories that focus on our four conference tracks.
Track I: Increasing Opportunities for Inclusion in Wisconsin’s Workforce
Track II: Creating Inclusive Communities
Track III: Cultivating Equity in Education
Track IV: Building Health Equity in Wisconsin
For a guide on proposal submissions, click here.
Proposals will be open until April 15, 2021.
Presenting Sponsors