Urgent need: Send us your presentation proposal for Toward One Wisconsin by Nov. 15

Conference Co-chairs, Church Mutual President/CEO Rich Poirier (at left) and Marian University Senior VP George Koonce, would love to hear your proposals!

We’re amping up preparations for the premier inclusivity conference in the state – and we need your expertise to make it a success.

Toward One Wisconsin

A Conference on Building Communities
of Equity and Opportunity

April 28-29, 2020
Radisson Hotel and Conference Center
Green Bay, WI

Last April – 500 attendees, 250 presenters, 3 nationally acclaimed plenary speakers.
In 2020, you could be one of the presenters.

To see what was presented at the 2019 Toward One Wisconsin conference, go to page 7 of our 2019 conference program.

We invite you to submit a proposal that includes collaborative and innovative approaches, best practices, cutting edge research, and/or success stories that focus on our four conference tracks.

Track I: Increasing Opportunities for Inclusion in Wisconsin’s Workforce
Track II: Creating Inclusive Communities in Wisconsin
Track III: Cultivating Equity in Education
Track IV: Building Health Equity in Wisconsin

For a guide on 2020 Toward One Wisconsin Conference proposal submissions, click here.

Submit Proposal

Help promote inclusivity – RFP deadline November 15

Track Sponsors:

Founding Sponsor