A Conference on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The fourth annual Toward One Wisconsin Conference will take place on April 25-26, 2023, at the Paper Valley Hilton Hotel and Conference Center in Appleton. Over 500 people including but not limited to representatives from birth-K-12, higher education, business and industry, state and local workforce development, youth-serving programs, health professions, vocational rehabilitation, community and neighborhood associations, non-profit organizations, government, and faith-based groups are expected to attend. If you would like to get information about your organization in front of a diverse group of people that are interested in addressing barriers to inclusion, please consider being an exhibitor at the conference or advertising in the conference program and on the mobile app.
ADVERTISE YOUR ORGANIZATION: The cost to place a business card size ad in the T1W Conference Program and have your logo displayed on the conference mobile app is $100.
EXHIBIT IN THE EXHIBITOR AREA: The cost to share information about your organization at the T1W conference in the exhibitor area and be part of the Whova mobile app exhibit area is listed below. Each exhibitor will have a 3’ x 6’ promotional table with 2 chairs. There is an additional cost per the hotel if electricity is needed at the table. All exhibitors must register for the conference. Each exhibitor will be required to provide a logo in the following format:
- EPS format preferred but RGB PNG or JPEG accepted.
- Size: 3” wide/high on the longest side @ 300dpi.
Below are the exhibitor rates:
Exhibit Table Rate | Non-Profit Rate | For-Profit Organization Rate |
2 Days + 1 Complimentary Registration | $300 | $400 |
1 day + 1 Complimentary Registration | $250 | $350 |
Tentative Exhibitor Schedule
The exhibit area will be open and will need to be staffed during these times. This schedule is subject to change.
Day One | April 25, 2023 |
7:00 a.m.-7:30 a.m. | Exhibit Area Set Up |
7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. | Exhibit Area Open |
10:15 a.m.- 10:45 p.m. | Break-Exhibit Area |
11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Lunch Served |
2:45 p.m.-3:15 p.m. | Break-Exhibit Area |
Day Two | April 26, 2023 |
7:30 a.m.-9:00a.m. | Buffet Breakfast-Exhibit Area Open |
10:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. | Break-Exhibit Area |
10:30 a.m. | Exhibit Take Down |
Exhibitor and Sponsor Policies
Cancellations: All cancellations of exhibit space must be sent, in writing to WIPPS to [email protected] by 5 p.m. by April 18, 2023. No cancellations for advertisements are accepted regardless of date if materials have already been produced.
Pre-Registration Attendee List:
- WIPPS does not provide email addresses.
- The list shall not, under any circumstances, be disclosed, transferred, duplicated, or altered in any form by photocopying, entering a database, or duplicating by any other means except for conference advertising.
- WIPPS has the right to monitor the use of the list.
Exhibitor/Sponsors Responsibilities:
- WIPPS will provide exhibitors the attendance list without emails upon the exhibitor’s request.
- WIPPS reserves the right to ask any exhibitor to adjust their conference advertisement as WIPPS deems necessary per graphic design needs.
- Exhibitors will be selected on a first come basis. Sponsors at certain levels will be guaranteed a table to exhibit.
- Exhibitors are not permitted to list social events they are hosting such as receptions or parties in their advertisement without prior approval.
- Sales by authorized representatives of exhibitors are permitted. However, such sales may only include products or services that are normally marketed by the exhibitor’s company. WIPPS will assume no liability for any transactions between exhibitors and conference attendees.
- WIPPS shall be under no liability for its failure, for any cause, to insert a listing or for any error in any listing.
- WIPPS reserves the right to review and possibly reject any listings.
- The exhibitor assumes liability for all content, including text and illustrations of published information, and assumes responsibility for any claims arising there from made against WIPPS, including costs associated with defending against such a claim. Exhibitor agrees to hold WIPPS harmless for any claims made against it by reason of exhibitor’s advertisement.
- Promotional pamphlets and informational literature such as brochures and flyers may be distributed as well as imprinted pens or trinkets with a value under $10 such as bags, decals, posters, stickers, book covers, rulers, calendars, combs, key chains.
- Free standing items are permitted; however, these items must be behind or on top of the table and not infringe upon another exhibitor’s space.
- Representatives must remain behind the table when conferring with guests. Counseling or providing information in the aisles is not permitted.
- Organizations may be represented by a maximum of two people at the exhibitor’s table.
- Tables must have a representative present during all scheduled exhibitor hours except for brief periods during which time an “out” card will be displayed.
- Demonstrations of products must be pre-approved.
- Each exhibitor will be required to provide a logo in the following format:
- EPS format-preferred but RGB PNG or JPEG accepted.
- Size: 3” wide/high on the longest side @ 300dpi.
Failure to follow the policies above, or other policies listed throughout the exhibitor website, stated, or implied, may require a company to remove its exhibit, and/or forfeit contributor privileges.
Key Dates for Exhibitors
- April 1, 2023: Business card size ads and/or logos are due ready for print
- April 1, 2023: Full payment due
- April 16, 2023: Deadline to register for the conference
Contact Information
For more information, please contact
Julie Bunczak at [email protected]
or Sharon Hunter at [email protected]