
Conference Archives

The first Toward One Wisconsin conference was held on April 11-12, 2019, in Milwaukee, WI.  Here are a few of the highlights from the 2019 conference:

  • Over 500 participants
  • 3 nationally recognized plenary speakers and 1 Artist-in-Residence
  • 3 Federal Reserves involved (St. Louis, Minneapolis, Chicago)
  • Governor Tony Evers shared a message of the importance of inclusivity throughout the state
  • 100 breakout sessions
  • Over 250 presenters
  • 50 scholarships awarded to individuals that were not able to afford the registration fee
  • 82% percent of the attendees used the WHOVA ap to find out details about the conference
  • 6,306 times sponsors and partners were displayed on WHOVA (conference social media app)
  • 18 exhibitors
  • 84% percent who completed the evaluation indicated they would attend the conference next year

A conference video was also made about sharing the importance and need to continue the discussion, available here.

Church Mutual
Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service